by Pradip Phanjoubam This article was originally published by the Times of India, Crest Edition on May 12 2012 at Two recent suicides have once again brought to the fore the vexed question whether the North-East has emotionally integrated with the spirit of India, and more relevantly, whether the India that supposedly represents this spirit has accepted the North-East. Dana M Sangma, a 21-year old management student from Meghalaya at Amity University, Gurgaon, committed suicide on April 24. This came close on the heels of the violent death of 19-year old architecture student Richard Loitam from Manipur at Acharya NRV School of Architecture, Bangalore. Dana was apparently humiliated in an examination hall for allegedly cheating, while Richard was beaten up by fellow students for toggling TV channels during an IPL match.