
Showing posts from February, 2013


Two articles on the present situation of the NSCN-IM and their movement vis-a-vis Manipur and beyond, by Yenning. These articles were originally published by the Sangai Express and Hoi Polloi & Mundanity   Exposing the Urgency of Manipur NSCN-IM (Published in the Sangai Express on 10 Feb 2013) Political pundits are of the opinion that the political movement of NSCN-IM (frontal organisations included) have reached its zenith at least in the case of Manipur. Difficulty to manage the outfit’s demands at the constitutional level by India have turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the Union Government has given them a free hand to create a political space of their own. Equally true is the tempo in which Muivah is working realizing the timely need, or perhaps the last chance, to honourably exit from Nagaland, so as to join his wife and family in Ukhrul, Manipur. Three important factors that compel Muivah to hurry up his activities are discussed in today’s edition....


by Gideon Shadang & Kekhrie Yhome This article was originally published by the Eastern Mirror Former Indian Prime Minister Mr. A.B. Vajpayee said the Indo-Naga talks should not harp on the absolute issue of “sovereignty” and therefore it should be “unconditional.” So, the Collective Leadership (NSCN) sermonized to the Naga frontal organizations that sovereignty of Naga nation is not a plausible issue to be discussed at the moment and, thus, the Naga civil societies uncritically fed the same opinion to the general public and it was made to believe that owing to the changing international scenario of inter-dependent state system the issue of sovereignty must be purged from the aspiration of the Nagas. In other words Nagas have to find solution within the Indian Union and, subsequently, the entire gamut of political aspiration of a Naga nation state was eliminated from the discussion. Thereafter, NSCN began to engage with government of India on the redefined political stance of “...